Wednesday 9 November 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 14 - 09/11/16

Today we blocked Rent, the song.

We started off with a sing through which went extremely well besides some harmony issues between Cameron and Henri. We agreed that I, Collins, would start on the steps that led up to stage as we thought this would be a good place to get mugged so that Henri/Cameron can literally "throw down the key" to me from the stage. Throughout the number, I remain silent on the stairs waiting for my solo. When it comes to my solo I try to prop myself up to stand but just end up falling over once more where I remain for the rest of the song.

After everyone was taught the dance in the dance break we ran through the song multiple times and now I feel that we can comfortably perform this once again. The only issue I can see is that the chorus needs to be louder but this can be worked on at any point.

Next lesson, we will look at blocking a new scene.

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