Wednesday 16 November 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 16 - 16/11/16

Today in Rent, we were in the hall again to get a better idea of our volume. We also had some of the staging blocked using steel decking and stage blocks. Below is a diagram of the stage:

When in the hall we decided to run through the opening which included Tune Up #1, Voicemail #1, Tune Up #2, and Rent. We did this so we could get a feel for how ready the opening is and loud we all are in each part of the stage.

Before singing the opening, we were asked to stand on the stage where we feel comfortable that we can project enough so that the entire audience can hear us over the audience. Where Lorna and Alice have years of training in singing under their belt they stood quite far back to nearly the back of the stage. Meanwhile, the rest of us weren't too far away from the apron as we weren't all so confident with our ability to project. We were then asked to take a step back, besides Lorna and Alice, which is where we were told that we need to be able to project from by the time we perform RENT. To achieve this, we have all arranged to go to singing lessons with Mr Quinn, our music and singing teacher, every week. This will improve not only our projection but also our harmonies as well.

After performing our opening, we were given the following notes:
  • Although it's difficult, you need to sing up. The backing track volume can't be lowered or the atmosphere will be lost.
  • The movement needs to be more purposeful at times.
  • The dance break section looked very good.
Next, we began singing through Life Support, the scene where the counselling group is introduced. The song starts with the Life Support group introducing themselves and singing until Mark makes his awkward entrance. Then there's a discussion between Paul, the leader of the group, and Gordon, a member of the group.

After singing through the song multiple times, we went over the staging where we're on the blocks and steel decking in a group.

Next lesson, we'll go over this once more and then move on to Will I?

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