Friday 18 November 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 19 - 18/11/16

Today we went off in pairs (Lorna & James/Ollie & Me) and we spent our final lesson on our classical monologues until the day of our performance. We spent some time looking deep into our partners monologue and picking bits out that really need improvement. 

Ollie helped me with my opening which last lesson I felt was weak. Together we arranged it so I'm lying across three chairs as a bed and I'm snoring and tossing and turning which leads to me falling out of bed and awakening in shock. I then added donkey noises and kicking my leg backwards as it represented Bottom's dream of becoming a donkey. I then thought it would be even funnier if instead of falling off the chairs one side, I would fall off the other side which meant tipping the chairs whilst kicking in my sleep. Although this was very humorous when performing it to Ollie, I didn't want to risk breaking the chairs or hurting myself in the fall so I just stuck to falling off.

After running through the monologue multiple times, I performed it to the class and received the following notes:

  • Stop furrowing your brow, it's okay at the beginning but when you're talking about your dream seem amazed not confused.
  • Start laughing gradually, don't burst into laughter straight away.
  • Use your diaphragm when calling for your friends as you'll wreck your voice.
  • You have a script in your hand so use it. Don't ad lib because you said thought too much.
Next lesson, we will work on our contemporary monologues.

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