Thursday 24 November 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 24 - 24/11/16

Today, Hope and I, went through our scene once again where we focused on working on our movement to help represent the relationship between our characters and the meaning of each line.

We split our section in half and focused on each one separately in order to to focus on each one in more depth. There were some lines where the movement was very obvious and didn't need much thought put into them. Whereas, there were some sections such as where Candice questions Sam about how he stood up to Uncle Kenny where we could've done different things in terms of movement. We could've had Sam go to exit and Candice call him back and he comes back to her or we could have Sam sit on the wall away from Candice and them Candice come to him. We chose the latter as it represents that Candice still does care about her grandfather despite spending the most part of the play shouting at him.

We also spent this lesson as a class looking at exercises to help us use our diaphragm more when performing. This is very helpful, not just in terms of projection but when trying to shout above another character but not wrecking our throats. This is also very helpful for me in triple with my musical theatre unit as I struggle to use my diaphragm when singing too. By the end of this exercise I was able to project my voice much easier without needing to strain my vocal chords. I'll practice this outside of lesson in order to make it more natural as opposed to being forced.

Next lesson, Hope and I will perform our scene to the rest of the class as well as looking into costume.

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