Monday 7 November 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 13 - 07/11/16

Today we ran through La Vie Boheme and Seasons of Love making sure everything we could do to make them better was done. We then moved on to singing through Rent together which went very well as we had looked at this independently at home.

We then went on to work on Santa Fe as we felt it still needed work and that we needed more interaction between the main four characters. When promoting my ideas of a world without worry in Santa Fe, I need to fully be confident with my movement onstage whether it be standing still, walking around nonchalantly, or breaking into dance. Today, I interacted a lot more with Lorna, Warren and Tyler and made the divide between the group less significant to show the unity that Collins' idea promotes.

However, when singing, I was told that a lot of it was far too low, even for the character of Collins. My voice was too low so it lost volume which meant I was inaudible compared to powerful voices such as Cameron and Henri. After working on my voice with Tom and Dan, I was able to sing much higher in order to be as loud as the others in the number, but not too high as this would prove difficult when harmonising with Angel in I'll Cover You.

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