Wednesday 23 November 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 20 - 23/11/16

Today we began our work on our contemporary monologues for the second part of our Auditions for Actors unit. The monologue I chose was Syme's monologue from 1984. I chose this monologue as I felt it contrasted very nicely with Bottom's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream in terms of movement, energy and volume.

With Syme's monologue, I wanted to explore the character deeper in order to perform the best I could. Below is my character profile I made for Syme:
While performing my monologue, I received very positive reactions and below are the notes I was given:
  • Very comical,
  • Good contrast with last monologue,
  • Good speed,
  • The accent put on is very good but make sure you're accentuating each word because some of it wasn't understandable partway through,
  • Try not smirk while the audience reacts.
Next lesson, we will perform these again.

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