Thursday 3 November 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 12 - 03/11/16

Today we worked heavily on La Vie Boheme making it more energetic and making it the happiest song in the musical.

We started by working out a lift to do during the "Death of Bohemia" speech. We decided to lift Taylor as she's the lightest, and me Tyler, Henri and Warren lift her so she's lying face up in mid air. We then lower down onto the table and we all gather round crying and looking mournful towards the death of Bohemia.

Throughout the number, we are dancing, posing, and jumping around in a spontaneous fashion but all of which is choreographed. When Alice and I sing together we have choreographed our movement:

"Emotion" - mimic crying
"Devotion" - gesture towards each other lovingly
"To causing a commotion" - face the audience and gesture anarchically
"Creation" - mimic the shape of a human
"Vacation" - mimic wearing sunglasses
*mucho masterbation*
"Compassion" - hug each other
"To fashion" - gesture to our clothes
"To passion when it's new" - *undecided*

After running through the song twice, we realised some areas needed to be worked on. For example, on "When Dorothy and Toto..." we decided that it was too static and that we needed to do something more relevant to the lyrics. We now have Alice leading Lorna as a dog across stage on an imaginary leash while Cameron and Taylor sing. The rest of us raise our hands from right to left like a rainbow.

Next lesson, we will run through this and some other numbers and perhaps look more at Santa Fe.

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