Monday 28 November 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 21 - 28/11/16

Today, we made a proper start on Act Two which I feel is going to be a lot harder than Act One. Act One is mostly comprised of songs between a few characters and each song reveals a new piece of the puzzle in the plot of Rent. Whereas, in Act Two, the songs are a lot more conversational and feature most members of the cast. This will be harder to rehearse as it means constantly learning the rhythm of our lines and if one person's ill, then it ruins the flow of the songs.

We spent this entire lesson learning Happy New Year B which I found quite difficult. Although the vocals aren't very advanced, it was the timing of when to say my line which was the issue. However, after singing through the song multiple times, I got the gist of the timings. We then went on to staging the scene which was very easy. We had Alice, Lorna and Cameron (Maureen, Joanne, Mark) stand on the blocks to the left, then when the rest of us enter from stage right on "5,4, sesame", they jump down and we greet each other happily. When Will (Benny) enters, we react negatively and are disgusted by his presence. Throughout the song, Mimi and Roger become separated but when Angel speaks up the mood is lightened and even Benny is welcomed back into the group. We all then exit besides Mimi and Roger until their moment is over then Roger exits, leaving Mimi with The Man/The Drug Dealer (Tyler).

I'd say the main issues with the song at the moment is people not knowing how their lines are said (whether they're spoken or sung) and not knowing how some parts of the song goes (e.g. the final "Happy New Year" line). This is something we can pick up by listening to the track at home.

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