Friday 4 November 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 14 - 04/11/16

Today we performed our classical monologue we found ready for this lesson. After performing mine, I received the following notes:

  • Not very exciting
  • Could vary tempo and tone more
  • Very conversational which may not be the best type of monologue for you
After these key notes, I decided to scrap this monologue and find a new one. Rob also did the same so I decided to look at his monologue and I really think it suits my style of acting. My new monologue is Bottom's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream and is when Bottom is left alone in his sleep and recalls his dream to himself. This monologue is very comical and arrogant which I feel suits my style of performing very well and there is a lot I can do with it.

I performed this monologue today and I received the following notes:
  • Very comical when looking for Peter Quince etc.
  • The opening should be more sudden
  • Think about the meaning behind the Shakespearean language.
Next lesson, we will continue to work on these monologues next lesson.

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