Friday 11 November 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 21 - 11/11/16

Today, we progressed more with our scene from People, Places and Things and I managed to perform some of Advice For The Young At Heart with Rob. I'm also now involved in a major way with Rob and James' scene from Merchant of Venice.

I began the lesson by working on my section as Paul from People Places and Things and focused a great deal on using my diaphragm so that I don't ruin my voice.

I then went to work with James and Rob whom invited me to perform in their scene from Merchant of Venice as Bassanio, an ineffectual businessman who is close friends to Antonio (Rob). In this scene, Bassanio tries to convince Shylock (James) to loan him money with Antonio being his guarantor. We spent the lesson reading the script through together and grasping the meanings of our lines. As James had the vast majority of the script where lines are concerned, we left him to continue analysing his script while I introduced Rob to Advice For The Young At Heart.

We read through the beginning section of our scene and I explained to Rob the difficult plot of the play. When reading through, I explained to him the relationship between the brothers and how Kenny is the controlling elder brother where Sam does as he's told until later in the scene...

To strengthen my character, I added an accent suitable for the working class Londoner of the 50's and varied my range for when Kenny is telling me what to do and when I'm standing up for myself. I feel that this makes my character more relatable.

We then worked on our movement and went through the beginning scene but were then stopped so we can showcase to the class what we've all achieved. Below are the notes we received:

  • Lewis, your accent is very good and suits the style.
  • The scene choice is very good for you two as it reflects the chemistry between you.
  • Your body language needs some improvement to suit your characters and situation but you didn't get much time to work on this so it's understandable.
  • You two bounce off each other very well conversationally which works very well for this scene.
Next lesson, I hope to continue to working on this scene.

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