Monday 7 November 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 15 - 07/11/16

Today, we continued on with our classical monologues and I feel that I made a lot of progress. We were split in half (Lorna & Ollie/James, Rob & Lewis) and asked to discuss our monologues and their meanings and context and then perform them to our group and respond to feedback. I feel that this is very helpful for us to understand our character as it forces us to think of our character deeply in order to teach our partners about this character.

When performing my monologue, I was given the following feedback:

  • My tone of voice could be varied a tad more throughout the monologue, particularly towards the end.
  • You should use your pauses more effectively when calling for your "friends". Long them out to make use of comical facial expressions.
  • Be more dynamic: don't be afraid to be a little over expressive with Bottom, he's funny, loud-mouth character who isn't afraid to be heard.
Next lesson, we will continue with our classical monologues again.

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