Wednesday 2 November 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 11 - 02/11/16

Today was our first lesson performing on our school stage which is where we will be performing our production of RENT.

We started off performing Seasons of Love, masking our staging from our usual room to the stage. I feel that this went very well as we all knew the words and blocking for the song and it was a very basic song compared to other songs.

We then performed La Vie Boheme which didn't go as well. After performing it twice, we understood straight away that there was a severe lack of energy in one of the most energetic songs in the entire musical. A song filled with spontaneous outburst was very lacking in movement and this was something we really needed to change. We decided to make the most of the time we had on the stage and then work on La Vie Boheme next lesson.

We looked at Santa Fe next, which again wasn't the best. I was severely lacking in volume which in our classroom wasn't noticeable, but on the stage with the speakers facing the audience, my voice barely reached the front row. This is something I struggle with constantly and a lot of that volume is sacrificed when singing too low. However, trying to sing higher is something I struggle with also and doesn't suit my character if it's too high. Over the week, I need to work on this and possibly ask singers like Lorna or Alice to assist me. However, a positive to take from the song is that the staging is very nice to look at with me, Owen, Cameron, and Henri (Collins, Angel, Mark, and Roger) at centre downstage and Lorna, Tyler and Warren seated far to the right of us, singing any backing vocals.

We finished this rehearsal with Light My Candle. Henri and Taylor's movement was very good and showed the relationship between the pair very well, however they suffered the same issue I did in Santa Fe: Volume. This is something we're all going to have to practise for next lesson.

Our goals for next lesson are to give La Vie Boheme some energy and up our volume. 

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