Sunday 1 November 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Mime Plan for Scene 1: The Three Farmers - 01/11/15

The extract that will be read ( :

"Bean was a turkey-and-apple farmer.(1) He kept thousands of turkeys in an orchard full of apple trees. He never ate any food at all.(2) Instead, he drank gallons of strong cider which he made from the apples in his orchard.(3) He was thin as a pencil and the cleverest of them all.(4)"

(1): Step forward holding a rubber turkey (or some other form of poultry) and an apple.
(2): Look at the turkey and chicken and toss them backwards.
(3): Pick up a glass of cider, take a sip from the glass and drunkenly stumble.
(4): Stand up straight and tall; look stuck up, look down on the audience + facial exp.

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