Thursday 19 November 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 23 - 19/11/15

Today, we experimented with the our roles in Flint Street and switched roles with other people. We did this to see how someone else played our roles and decide if we'd play our characters the same way they did. Below is the temporary cast list of that lesson:

Mary's Mum: Katya
Gabriel's Mum: Cel
Wise Gold's Mum: Rob
Shepherd's Mum: Lorna
Angel's Mum: Hope
Innkeeper's Dad: Ollie K
Herod's Dad: Ollie M
Star's Dad: James
Wise Frankincense's Dad: Charlie
Ass' Dad: Lewis (Me)
Narrator's Dad: Ashley (he had to join in as Rhiannon wasn't in the lesson)

I feel that James played Star very well but there are some things that he did which I wouldn't do myself. He didn't add any accent at all which I feel gives a great deal more character to the any role. When everyone became conspicuous of Uncle Ted, I feel that James wasn't the best at feeling nervous. Although, when he was talking about "quantum association," I feel he put a lot of emphasis and passion into it, just as Uncle Ted would.

When I played Ass' Dad, as opposed to Charlie's addition of an Irish accent, I gave him an Australian accent. I feel this was added an equal amount of variety to the character as an Irish accent but an Australian accent would something an audience may find more comical, especially matched with Ass' Dad's unique personality.

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