Wednesday 4 November 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 8 (Greek Mythology) - 04/11/15

Today in our double lesson, we continued recording footage for our stop-motion video which would be projected in the background of our performance. When it came to beheading Medusa, we decided to use a big black piece of cloth which would then move across the set, frame by frame, when she's beheaded. This is a very effective way of showing Medusa being beheaded as Lorna would tuck her head in after being stabbed which creates the illusion of being headless.

After getting all of the photos, I added them to Windows Movie Maker and edited it so it looks smooth. I exported this file and it's now ready to be used for projection!

During that morning, I'd had an idea on how to narrate and present the projection but still keep the piece in a Storytelling genre. I thought, instead of each of us giving monologues related to our characters, it would be better if we were museum presenters and we would present the projection as if we were giving a tour of a Greek Mythology museum to a group of children on a school field trip. I shared this idea with Lorna and Charlie and they agreed this would be a great and effective way to tell the story of Medusa. Charlie suggested that instead of all of us presenting the projection, Lorna and Charlie would be statues in different positions for each scene within the projection whilst I present it at all times.

Next lesson, we will decide what I say when presenting and potentially perform the performance for real.

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