Wednesday 11 November 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 9 (Greek Mythology) - 11/11/15

Today in Double we finished editing our stop-motion video. After editing this I wrote a script for my presentation within the piece and timed it with the speed of the video. While I present the stop-motion video which would be projected in the background of the piece, Charlie and Lorna perform still images for every scene in the background. I spent some time helping them by assigning which points they should change to the next still image and how they can smoothly transition between them.

After finishing devising and rehearsing, we finally performed the piece! When performing I feel our stop-motion video was very effective at telling the story and our still images were eye catching and included Round-By-Through but weren't distracting the audience from the main part of the performance; the video. The performance would've been better if I had timed my speech better with the stop motion video and made sure I knew what to say properly beforehand; despite having the script in my hands, I misread it and mixed up two names. Although this may have confused our audience, I kept focused and stuck to the names I used instead of back tracking; this wouldn't have displayed professionalism.

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