Friday 23 October 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 5 - 23/10/15

This lesson we went over the things we all should've done for homework! I volunteered to write two scripts but as I wasn't involved in one of these scripts I didn't think I should be the one writing it as I would have less of an understanding of the way they were going to be portrayed in our version. However, the other scene I volunteered to write (Still Waiting), I had written up and brought to the lesson. However, we decided not to work on this scene today as it was very short and didn't need much rehearsing.

We started by splitting into our Farmer and Fox groups and went through our first scenes again. When rehearsing our farmer scene, we stopped and worked on our characterisation as we weren't sure how to portray our characters. We decided to stop as there was no point in continuing our run through if we weren't confident with how we performed our characters. We worked together to develop our movement and voices. Towards the end of this activity, I felt a lot more confident with my portrayal of Bean as I walk a lot more regally and my voice sounds a great deal more snobby.

After I had gone over my characterisation for a while, I aided Rhiannon and James in devising the, "A Surprise for Mrs. Fox," scene. We included interaction with the audience so as this would engage their attention a lot and a great deal of high energy movement in the fox cub's case as this character would have a lot of energy. After our initial devising, we continued to develop the scene in many ways in order to make our piece more entertaining and in depth. For example, when the fox cub enters, as opposed to our original idea of him entering normally, we have him enter from the audience. This gives James a chance to interact with the audience and further engage their attention.

Upon finalising this scene, Charlie, Rob, Lorna and I go to work devising the shooting scene. As we had already devised the scenes before and after this one, we decided to start from the ending of the scene before and work our way through the story until we reach the scene after. Our scene consisted of slapstick humour, repetition, interaction with the audience (involving hiding in the audience) and slow-motion. We went with slow-motion as we believed our target audience, primary school children, would find this very funny. Hiding amongst the audience would keep the audience engaged and entertain them!

We finished by assigning what everyone would do over the half term: I thought it would be a good idea if Rob, Lorna and I prepared what we would mime in the first scene (The Three Farmers; the introduction of the farmers). In this scene, Ollie narrates by reading, to the audience, the first chapter of the book, Fantastic Mr Fox. Whilst he reads each paragraph describing one of the farmers, the person playing that farmer, e.g. Me, would mime what Ollie is describing. For example, when Ollie says, "He drank gallons of strong cider," I would mime this. My mime plan for this scene is in the next blog post.

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