Tuesday 10 November 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 20 - 10/11/15

Today in Single, we looked over our character profiles for the children's parents as a class. We each presented our character profile and then received feedback on how to improve. For my profile, I had covered a great deal of language analysis from the script to pick out characteristics of Uncle Ted but although I had scraped the foundations of give biographic facts (e.g. Name, Age etc.), I needed to go into further detail with this and give a lot more info such as Occupation, Date of Birth and, most importantly, a backstory; what makes Uncle Ted the Uncle Ted he is today. I will make these relevant changes to both character profiles (Star/Marcus & Uncle Ted) and upload the reworked versions onto a separate blog post. 

For the rest of the lesson, we rehearsed Act 2 Scene 10; the adult scene.

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