Friday 27 November 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 27 - 27/11/15

Today we continued looking at songs and deducing how to make our lyrics fit with the tune.
With my song I discovered that it would be more effective to speak some parts as opposed to trying to sing the whole piece. This would avoid the effort of having to fit the the lyrics with the tune. After two run throughs of the song like that, it sounded not too bad! With further rehearsal it will sound terrific!

After going through individual songs we ran, "I Wish," and also staged it. We had it so when a parent has a solo they step into one of the 3 spotlights we used in the children's part. Thus way there is a focus on this parent as opposed to the whole group! When it comes to Mary's Mum's solo, we all split off and Mary's Mum appears from the centre and performs her scene with Narrator's Dad. When they, "Go inside," we all come back from each side and start singing, "We Wish You A Merry Christmas," again.

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