Wednesday 11 November 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Character Profiles - 11/11/15

Name: Marcus Pou
Age: Turned 7 last week
Date of Birth: 12/09/08
Family: Mum (Kate Pou), "Dad" (Jacques Pou)
Likes: Stars, Space, Jupiter (His favourite planet), Pizza, Playtime, Uncle Ted, Cats
Dislikes: Bradley, Birds, People who don't like Science, Carrots, People who bully him for being ginger

Thoughts on other characters
Jenny (Mary): Really bossy, fancies Ryan
Bradley (Innkeeper): Very scary, tall, quite bossy
Ashley (Gabriel): Pretty but scary
Zoie (Shepherd): Annoying, mean, but she's good because she's mean to Bradley
Poppy (Angel): Short, nice, always looks sad
Jess (Wise Gold): Smelly, mean, wrong, doesn't know who eats the carrots
Adrian (Wise Frankincense): Can't talk properly, really quiet
Ryan (Herod/Joseph): Really weird, talks to himself a lot
Jimmy (Ass): Very loud, wets himself, I think he's in the special unit
Tim (Narrator): Doesn't know his words in the nativity, everyone likes him

Analysis of language in the script:
- Obsessive: "My Uncle Ted works for NASA"
- Interested: "They've got a Jesus. What are you?"
- Factual: "And this right... this is Sirius"
- Scared of Bradley: "Bradley-y? Bradley-y? Are you-? Argh!"
- Considerate: "For the nativity. So he dun't get knocked"
- Obedient: "Miss Horrocks said"
- Easily panicked: "(In meltdown) Are y'comin...? Are we goin'...?"
- Flustered speech: "What it is, right, it looks like a stick an' what that is, right, that's when things, yeah, that might eat them"
- Excited: "My Uncle Ted's coming tomorrow"
- Argumentative: "Isn't. Isn't. Isn't."
- Bossy: "S'not allowed in there. Store cupboard's Mrs Horrocks' special place"
- Scared of an audience: "ah, I would go in, but we have to be back now"
- Respectful of the rules: "you said 'bugger off.' Mizz Horrocks's gone mad."
- Wants to stay in high status: "Yeah I er-think I'll let you borrow it."
- Serious (When it comes to stars): "(Suddenly deadly serious) He knows all about stars."
Name: Ted Nichols
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 27/06/88
Occupation: Cleaner for NASA
Likes: Stars, Big Bang Theory, Science, Spaghetti and meatballs, Astronauts, Nebula
Dislikes: Marcus' "Dad", Bleach, Detergent, Mops, The security guards near the astronauts locker room.

  • Ted attended Hope University whilst he was 20 (2008).
  • He went to a party where he met Kate Glym and they got on really well which led to a drunken one night stand; Ted had gotten Kate pregnant and neither of them knew.
  • Ted failed his degree in Physics which depresses him and prevents him from taking his next step towards becoming an astronaut; his childhood dream.
  • Following this, his fear of failure made him not want to retake his degree, he pursued a new career with NASA: Cleaning.
  • He moved to America to become a cleaner at NASA HQ.
  • He found Kate in his mutual friends on Facebook and got back in touch with her; they later (2012) arranged to meet again whilst Ted meets family back in England.
  • When they meet she reveals Marcus, whom she is certain she conceived with her old boyfriend, now husband, who also went to HU, Jacques Pou; this was shortly after Ted and Kate's one night stand.
  • Ted noticed the similarities between himself and Marcus and was convinced it was his child but didn't vocalise this. He spent a lot of time with Marcus those few days and told him a lot of facts about science.
  • After leaving for home in America, he sends gifts to Marcus such as his infamous "Wallchart" featuring Sirius. The good connection between Marcus and Ted leads Kate to refer to him as Uncle Ted.
  • Marcus' image of Ted has always been, "Uncle Ted who works for NASA." He may assume he's an astronaut but he doesn't know the dark reality of Ted's career as a janitor.
Analysis of language used in the script
- Enthusiastic: "Wasn't that brilliant?"
- Fearful: "Is he here?"
- Intelligent: "His mother and I went to Hope University together!"
- Nervous: "Ted. "Uncle". Well he calls me Uncle."
- Evasive: "Anyway..."
- Proud: " He's very bright."
- Bad with words: (Mary's Mum) "Before she got-" (Uncle Ted) "-pregant..."

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