Friday 13 November 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 9 - 13/11/15

Today, we spent the time catching up with what we had already done so we performed everything that we had. This consisted of forum theatre to perfect our performance.

When performing the shooting scene, whilst we were waiting for Charlie to finish discussing a Mr Fox related issue, Rob was tapping on the windowsill which created a very intense and dramatic drumming pattern. James and I spotted this and thought this would be very effective to add into the scene. The children would find this comical because as the situation gets more intense and Mr Fox smells something, the drums then stop and he shouts, "Fried Chicken!!!" 

As we progressed further into what we had already done, the rest of the group began to get confused on the order of the scenes despite us going over it the rehearsals prior. Some people said that, "The Terrible Shovels," "The Terrible Tractors," and "The Race" scenes are all in the same scene (which was correct), but others thought they were separated by a Farmer Scene. I relieved the confusion by spontaneously devising a way to connect the three. 

My Plan: 
- The Foxes go to sleep at the end of the Terrible Shovels part on Stage Right. 
- The farmers enter stage left bearing shovels looking exhausted 
- They think "upgrades" would be a better idea (The Terrible Tractors) 
- The Foxes awaken to these loud noises and start to dig away from them (The Race) -The Farmers exit and the fixes take refuge as The Farmers have stopped... for now! 

 During the race we can include the idea that Lorna mentioned on her blog about performing The Race in slow motion with "Chariots of Fire" playing in the background

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