Monday 9 November 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 8 - 09/11/15

Today in double, Rob and I got James up to speed with the three farmers and what Bunce would do every scene. We thought the planning for the shooting scene would be a great scene to introduce James with because it's rather short and he has the most lines. After performing the scene once we workshopped specific bits (eg The slapstick poke). Workshopping these small specific parts of a scene works well as they're very precise improvements instead of overall improvements. A key improvement I made was characterising my movement by moving slowly and direct as Bean would. This portrays the motives and emotions of Bean very effectively.

With these improvements made after many run throughs we presented our scene to the rest of the class. Despite it being a scene with humour tailored to young children, the whole group laughed a great deal which gives us great confidence! To improve I must keep my voice constant and remember to start laughing which would cue Boggis and Bunce's laughter.

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