Friday 6 November 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 19 - 06/11/15

This lesson we went on to rehearse Act 2 and stopped before the adults scene (Act 2 Scene 10). This involved development of my movement and characterising my voice to illustrate my character and effectively portray Marcus' motives. We also recapped on our movement during our "Slow-motion part". In this part, Ollie M jumps into my arms, we turn to run stage right, we bump into James which leads to him being pushed in the chest by Ollie's foot, I let go of Ollie due to the force as Ollie pushes off of James' chest, Ollie stands and goes to run, his arm that was around me pushes me over, I fall to the floor face up, I get up and recover to center stage where I perform Marcus' song (Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem).

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