Monday 23 November 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 21 (Evaluation) - 23/11/15

Today, we finally performed our London Riots piece to be filmed for assessment. Before performing, we quickly walked through our piece to clear up any issues before we filmed it for real. I informed Kyle (our sound technician) on when he had to play each song in the form of lighting cues. We then performed it for real!!! Below is my evaluation of how it went:


Scene 1 - ill Manors Gorillas:
I feel this scene was performed very well; it was the best runthrough of it we had ever done! When I got pushed down the steps, I feel I made it look very realistic and lifelike due to my facial expressions of pain, my actual fall and Tom's brutal (and unforgiving) shoving! I feel that my movement from the floor to my starting position was very good as I still portrayed the pain that my character would've felt from his punch to the face and push down the stairs by holding my face, limping and throwing dirty looks at Tom, the person who assaulted me. 

When I was leant up against the wall, I feel I portrayed my character's pain very well as I was leant slightly sideways and low, still holding my side and pulling exasperated facial expressions. Whilst "monkeying around," I feel my movement was effective at portraying the animalistic side of a common "Chav," but there are some ways I could've improved this. As running around in a squatted position is very tiring, I became very exhausted whilst during this runthrough. So throughout, my actions had become mildly sloppier and this took away some of the effect from my portrayal of a gorilla. Because of this exhaustion, my freeze frames were very poor as I couldn't hold them for as long as I would've normally done.

Finally, when we come forward as a group to mock our audience, I feel that we assembled very quickly because we all remembered our sound cue, and when we did come forward, we showed a lot of power and intimidated the audience. When exiting to the siren's in the song, we were very smooth. I was very clever in nudging Rhiannon to remind her that we needed to place the table on stage ready for the next scene. I made it look as if my character was warning Rhiannon about the Police coming and that we needed to place the table on the floor (for whatever reason). Overall I was very happy with this scene.

Scene 2 - Tom and Rhiannon's Rioter Interrogation Scene
I feel that Tom and Rhiannon's Interrogation was done very well! They conveyed a great deal of emotion into their speech by changing their tone, tempo, pitch and volume.

Scene 3 - Lewis and Ashley's Rioter Interrogation Scene
This time, when Ashley and I performed our interrogation scene, it was the best performance of it we had ever done! There were barely any mistakes such as saying the wrong thing or long blocks of silence. We both transmitted our characters emotions effectively with movement, change in vocal tones, pitch, volume and tempo, and body language. We kept to our predetermined plan on what to talk about which helped us avoid long awkward silences. At the last minute, I decided that I would use my notebook as a prop and this was very useful as I could then reference witness statements without looking a maniac pointing to empty space. All in all, I am exceedingly happy with mine and Ashley's performance in this scene!

Scene 4 - Emotional Turmoil Scene
This scene went very well but had some minor hiccups. To start with, our sound technician started the audio earlier than it belonged so while we did our contemporary opening dance, we had to rush through it to keep the rest of the piece in time. This meant that during this dance Toby, Tom and I were out of time during some of it as we panicked. Luckily we didn't show this panic in our facial expressions and by the final jumping spin, we were all in time which didn't ruin the elegance and gloriousness of the jump.

Everyone's separate scene with Tom went really well and to how we rehearsed it despite Ashley having a broken collarbone and Lorna having a broken toe. However, during my duo part with Tom, he skipped our fist-bump/high five/handshake sequence that we would do after the chest bump and before the lowering down. This was something Tom got wrong in rehearsals at times due to him forgetting it and this was what he had done now. This put me off slightly but I quickly adapted to what he was doing to provide a smoother performance. I felt that this didn't look too obvious but could've been noticeable. Apart from this minor mistake, my duo part with Tom went well.

During Toby's duo part, Ashley and I intercede in Toby and Tom's fight. We run in and hold him back ready for Toby to wind him with a punch and we then kick him until the sirens sound. When Ashley and I were meant to hold back Tom, I was a second late made it out of time, but this wasn't drastically important; it's more of an aesthetically pleasing kind of thing. I feel when I kicked Tom it looked very realistic, despite having minimal experience in stage combat.

Scene 5 - Dan and Tom's Therapist Session Scene
Dan and Tom's Therapist scene was as good as ever! They used a great range of their vocal abilities to portray their characters feelings. They had a lot of preparation beforehand which led to a smooth and solid performance. They had a great deal of movement despite them being seated most of the time. This was, in my opinion, the best part of the entire piece.

Scene 6 - Lorna and Toby's Therapist Session Scene
Lorna and Toby's Therapist scene was very effective at illustrating the motives of a PTSD sufferer. Their scene was very strong with great lack of movement (which created a broken down effect), and low volume. However, I believe they were far too quiet. At times it was very difficult to understand what they were saying. This is the only thing I could flaw them on!

Scene 7 - Ten More Days Still Image Scene
I felt that the Still Image scene was very well done as we got our timings and entrances right nearly every time. Although, when Tom and I had reached the point where we all should form a line, others weren't ready to form so we had to wait for them to catch up. If we were to perform this again, we would make sure we know the sound cue to be in position for. However, Tom and I performed some very effective still images which do a great job at depicting the stories behind them.

Scene 8 - MP Speeches Scene
This scene was one of our best! Our costume change from the scene before was very smooth with Rhiannon being the exception as upon pulling off her hoodie, her blouse came off with it; it was a good job she was wearing a vest top otherwise she would've only been in underwear. To improve for next time, everyone would have to wear a zip hoodie to avoid such scenario. We all had memorised our speeches and no one had forgotten their lines, but I'd stuttered which threw me off. This led to me starting my sentence again which ruined the flow of my speech. Besides this, this scene went fantastic!

Scene 9 - ill Manors Gorilla Scene (Reprise)
This scene was very smooth and it was very effective at portraying the MP's similarities to the rioters. When arguing with each other we were all very loud and kept to the ideals of our parties. For example, when I argued with Dan, he stood up for his fellow cabinet member's (Toby) views, whilst I combated him with Labour views. We were all extremely loud and for those of who got physical, Tom and Toby, it looked realistic. When we turn to the audience on the drop at the beginning of the chorus of, "ill Manors," we all turned at the same time and posed in similar but different poses. These poses showed how a lot of the animalistic chaos that goes on in the lives of MPs is hidden behind their suits and ties and professionalism.

Overall Evaluation
To summarise, I feel this performance was our best run through of it ever with great movement, effective vocal techniques and amazing body language. To improve for next time, I feel these are the three main things we need to do:

  • Lorna and Toby needed to be a lot louder during their Therapist Scene.
  • Our sound needed to be correct in our Emotional Turmoil Scene. 
  • Pace myself during the Gorilla scene.

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