Wednesday 23 March 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 25 (Snow Queen) (Evaluation) - 23/03/16

Story 1 ( Lorna's Story):
+ The recorded narration was very clear and well read and the music which accompanied helped set the mood of the scene.
+ The timing throughout the piece was accurate and we all were familiar with which movements were at which points.
+ Instead of actually wearing masks, we mimed wearing them as this removed the need for props.
- When placing the masks on some of us reached down to pick up these masks whereas others just put the masks on as if they were already holding them. This was due to poorly discussed last minute change.

Story 2 (James' Story):
+ Setting up the sheet for the silhouette was fluent and quick.
+ The beginning dance section was very well performed with good use of cannon, fluent movements and successful lifts.
+ Through our placement as silhouettes, the entrance of the Snow Queen was very effective at portraying her elegance and power.
+ The sledge silhouette was well performed due to our positioning and gestures.
+ Our use of gestures, facial expressions and 
- Our sheet we used for silhouettes could have been larger to hide any of us who were stood at the back waiting for our next part.
- The music should've been louder as the introduction is rather quiet so Lorna and I were unsure on when to start the dance.
- Having three lights to create the silhouettes was a bad choice as it created 3 different overlapping silhouettes rather than one bold silhouette.

Story 3 (Lewis' Story):
+ Our gestures, facial expressions, levels and stances helped portray our emotions very effectively.
+ Our placards featured large, bold text so it was easy for the audience to read from a distance.
- Members of the group were unsure on the movement at times so they had to look around for reassurance.
- People in the river stopped moving at some point when they're supposed to keep moving throughout the entire scene.

Story 4 (Rob's Story):
+ Our facial expressions and gestures helped add a level of depth to the story.
- There were major technical difficulties where the audio for this story was ill prepared.

Story 5 (Rhiannon's Story):
+ Our movement throughout the piece was very representative of the narration and helped the audience understand the story.
- At times a few of us were forgetting the movement and had to rely on copying the person beside us which caused a slight delay.

Story 6 (Charlie's Story):
+ The recorded narration was very clear and fluent
- None of us spoke our given words over the recording as we were unsure on what our words were and when they came in. This wasn't too much of an issue as none of us did it as opposed to some of us.

Story 7 (Ollie's Story):
+ Ollie engaged the audience at all times with gestures, varying tone of voice and interaction.
+ The slide show projection of images which Rob created was very effective at setting the mood.
- There was a technical issue where the slide show went to the laptop background at the end but this wasn't something we could help.

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