Wednesday 9 March 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 24 (Snow Queen) - 09/03/16

Today in Snow Queen, we began working with the actual silhouette and improved Rob's scene.

We began by setting up the backdrop for James' silhouette scene. We set up the light correctly so that the silhouettes aren't too big and that we can portray the imagery correctly with the actors behind it. After we set the silhouette up, we did a runthrough of James' scene and these are the improvements we made following:
  • Instead of having Rhiannon enter as Snow Queen by having Ollie and Charlie lift up the curtain, we'd have her walk in from over the light and just stay as a silhouette. We'd then have Charlie and Ollie use their shadows to perform the same hand gestures as Lorna and I on the floor. This adds an element of  mystery about the character of the Snow Queen and makes things a lot more simple for us. This also saves the audience being blinded by the light used for the silhouettes.
  • Lorna and I practised our third lift we perform in our short dance sequence at the beginning. Lorna felt uncomfortable doing it as I didn't lift her high enough and she ended up landing quite heavily as I place her down. We rehearsed this lift a couple of times to decide whether to leave it in or not. After rectifying the mistakes, we kept the lift in as we felt it looked impressive.

After this, we discussed how we would set up and take down the sheet we’d be using during the performance. We at first thought to just start the piece with it up and at the end of James’ scene, we take it down. However, we completely forgot that we had Lorna’s scene before which requires a lot of space. Lorna then suggested that we leave the silhouette up during her scene but with the bottom corners pulled back and tied to a hook or window handle. We’d then cut/untie it from the hook/handle for James’ scene and then take it down prior to my scene.

We then worked on Rob’s scene; we ran through the scene once but felt that the narration was very muffled and was difficult to hear. Rob will rerecord his narration ready for next lesson. We also felt that me representing the lamp seemed to get in the way a lot and restricted Rob and Lorna’s movement. Instead, I’m now a crow along with Ollie and James. 

We also changed how we perform the line of men wanting to be her husband. We thought our original idea was very fast paced and it didn’t explain the story very well. Whilst the narration talked of men being confident when waiting but bottling it when they get to the queen, our movement just represented the sheer amount of men wanting the Snow Queen’s hand. Instead we change our movement to this:
  • Lorna, Rob, Charlie and I are in a line to the right of the Snow Queen (Rhiannon)
  • Whilst we are waiting we mime talking to each other and gesture confidently.
  • However, as we walk in, one-by-one we all crack when going to talk to the Snow Queen. We all go to talk but shallow back and reserve ourselves.
  • We get sent off by the Snow Queen and we circle back round to the back of the queue.
Next time, we will try to perform an entire runthrough of our piece and be ready for performing it to an audience the following week.

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