Friday 18 March 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 18 - 18/03/16

Today in Double, we got to work devising Zanni's entertainment scene and I showed the rest of the class my staging for our performance.

I began the lesson walking everyone through how I felt we should stage our piece! I wanted the performance to be in the hall so that we can take advantage of the stage! I thought it would be cool to have the stage and the floor be separate areas for the kitchen and the actual restaurant floor. This adds a whole new dimension to the performance and keeps the audience looking around at all times. I also thought that we should have the audience seated in cabaret so that there are tables of groups. This brings the atmosphere of the restaurant to life and allows us to interact with the audience as they would be customers of our restaurant. Below is my plan:

After discussing this, we began to stage Zanni's entertainment scene. We agreed that this would be our finale as this scene would bring a lot of comedy and involve all of us. We initially were going to have Zanni sing, "And I Will Always Love You," by Whitney Houston but this idea changed drastically. We decided to change the song as James was not confident in this choice, so we went with something else which is very well known and James was confident with, "Bohemian Rhapsody," by Queen. 

As we rehearsed James miming the lyrics, we all sort of got involved by generally mucking around and jumping into the scene. Upon deliberation we thought it would be really cool if we all got involved with the finale by joining in. This would bring a whole new level of unity and bring the piece to a cute end.

Below is our final outline of the piece (characters initials are used):

  • D,B and P attempt to push Z on the performance space. Someone announces that Z is performing and the lights turn off, the music starts and the spotlights aim at the quartet who are stood in the signature Bohemian Rhapsody formation.
  • On, "look up to the skies and see," we look down followed by looking, "up to the skies." After this line, we push Z forward to continue miming and we exit to the sides. B, Cp and C are on the left side and H,D and P are on the other.
  • On, "Mama, just killed a man," we walk on from our respected sides to form a line behind Z whilst holding candles. H splits off and interacts with Z.
  • On, " Mama, ooh," we raise our candles and sway them side to side. On, "nothing really matters," we lower our candles.
  • At the beginning of the next verse, Cp and C dance together and B, D and P dance with our plants in the audience. On, "gotta leave you all behind," we leave our partners and send the plants back to their seats.
  • For the next verse, Cp and P lean back to back and play air guitars. Leading up to, "I see a little silhouetto..." we walk towards Z and H and form a semi circle around the pair. On the line, we start bopping our shoulders until, "Scaramouche, Scaramouche!"
  • On, "thunderbolts and lightning," we gesture our arms as if they were, "thunderbolts and lightning."
  • On the "Galileo, Galileo" part, we bop up and sing the lines. On the high notes, Cp, D and P bop down and sing it; whereas on the low notes, C and B bop down sing it.
  • On, "he's just a poor boy," we point at Z as he is rushing around scared and embarrassed.
  • On all of the, "We will not let you go,"'s, we push Z around in a bully circle style. On each of the, "No,"'s, Z is in the centre of our semi circle and we each lift our left arm up to signal Z to stop on each "No." There are seven nos; we lift our left arm up in cannon on each no and then on the seventh (at this point, we've all got our left arm up) we lift our right arm up.
  • On, "For me! For me!" we step backwards slowly to form a line. During the guitar solo, we all interact with each other by dancing and messing around. D lifts P's leg up and uses it as a guitar while P "makes it rain" (throws paper money) at C. C dances in the money shower, picks up a pile of cash and runs away. P chases her, darting in-between the other characters. P gets face to face with C but she kisses him on the forehead and he falls.
  • Leading up to, "Nothing really matters," we all form the same line behind Z and H as before and on, "Nothing really matters,"  we wave our candles in again. We lower these candles and all exit to the sides while Z and H finish the scene holding each others hands singing the last few lines together.

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