Wednesday 2 March 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 23 (Snow Queen) - 02/03/16

Today in Snow Queen, we spent a lot of time working on the beginning scenes and making sure they're ready for performance.

We first began with Lorna's scene. Lorna had gotten her narration at home and mixed it with a track for her background music (Piano instrumental of Lukas Graham's "7 Years"). I felt the backing track matched the scene very well as the peaks in the audio were very compatible with the movements and story of this scene. The only issues we had with this runthrough was confusion regarding our arm placement at the beginning within the circle and we couldn't practise the lift this lesson as Ollie wasn't here. Besides that, Lorna's scene is perfected.

We moved onto James' scene. We began the scene but stopped partway through as the narration needed to be in time with the music. After a few tries, this mistake was rectified. Besides that James' scene is looking very good; this is probably because we spent the most time on it.

We then worked on my scene. Again there was confusion over the placement of arms at the beginning and end but this was mostly my fault. Where we had only spent less than two lessons on it, everyone had forgotten how my scene goes. This meant that we had to start and stop quickly and frequently and I had to call out the movement to everyone; we will rehearse this scene again soon.

Next lesson, we will continue running through the piece ready for the final performance. Ready for next lesson, we will record our narration.

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