Thursday 17 March 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 20 - 17/03/16

Today in Single, we went to the gallery theatre and rehearsed Charlie's breakdown scene.

We begun the lesson by moving over to the gallery theatre as there was more space and we would have use of a set of speakers. I walked the pair through the movement for the scene, explaining who did what movement, at what point in the music we did them, and why we did those movements. I did this to confirm with the pair that my movements made sense and linked well with the characters involved. We rehearsed the scene multiple times and go it running smoothly before adding on something to the end.

Our extra addition changes the way we end our piece but not the meaning. We decided to replicate the puppetry completely from our scene we devised when first looking at initial ideas for our piece. This involved the controlling entity of the puppetry forcing Charlie to take drugs which represents their indirect involvement with his demise. We devised the short extra section within a few minutes and below is the outline:

  • Ben uses puppetry to force Charlie into smoking.
  • Kourteney uses puppetry to force Charlie into drinking.
  • Ben and Kourteney use puppetry together to force Charlie to snort cocaine.
  • Ben and Kourteney use puppetry together to force Charlie to inject heroine.
  • Ben and Kourteney use puppetry together to push Charlie backwards in slow-motion and he falls backwards in slow-motion. He's left lying on the table as a corpse.
I feel this ending is a great deal nicer than the last ending and is much smoother as Charlie needs to end the scene on the table somehow as the "epilogue" to our piece requires Charlie to be dead on the table.

We then went back to our classroom and discussed lighting. We were planning on setting the rest of our lighting on our lights but they were unavailable as they were being used for something already. Instead we wrote down what lighting we wanted and we will link up the codes to the lights at some point. To the right is our lighting plan:

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