Monday 21 March 2016

Triple - The Healthy Performer - Blog 6 - 21/03/16

Today we performed two different circuit training exercises.

We began the lesson by learning what circuit training is and why it is done:

Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building and muscular endurance. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. Circuit training can be targeted at a specific area of the body (e.g. core, legs, upper body) or it can be broad and have each exercise work on a different part of the body.

We began with our first circuit! This circuit consisted of a lot of leg work and was very stamina based. From previous experience in padwork (Two year of martial arts and boxing training), I was prepared for how tiring it would be. The skipping was very vigorous as if we were to stop at any time to rest there would be a 30 push-up penalty. Below is the circuit we did:

The second circuit was much more intensive on our abs than the rest of our body as it featured sit-ups, leg raises and ab twists. Below is the circuit we did:

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