Friday 11 March 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 18 - 11/03/16

Today we rerecorded the phone call audio and made executive decisions to do with the state of our piece. We also made plans for our few remaining lessons.

We began by recording the audio for the phone call. We did this as in the last recording, we used Charlie's old character name, "Hunter Andrews."

After rerecording this, we looked at the checklist I made in my last blog and made some decisions. Hope and I discussed whether we'd keep in the part with our text placards and decided we could remodel the scene to leave them in. Below is the outline which we came up with for the whole dating section of our piece including some lighting:
  • Kourteney's interrogation (leading onto asking what their friendship had turned into)
  • K and C sit on separate sides of the table as if it were each of their bedrooms. K is narrating as this happens.
  • C and K exchange texts between each other which lead to a date being arranged. This is where we'd use our placards; we'd use less placards than our original plan as this small scene will be too long. (Pink lighting)
  • They transition into still images of the pair dating. C ends facing the wall and says, as DI Sanderson, "So where did it go wrong?"
  • C turns and "You Don't Own Me," starts playing. The lights turn to red to show the sinister side of the relationship. The movement piece then begins
After this Hope and I made plan of what we're going to each of our remaining lessons leading up to our performance date:
  • Tuesday - As Hope won't be in due to a business trip, Charlie and I will rehearse all of our scenes where it's just us two including the bar scene and Ben's breakup scene
  • Thursday - We will runthrough Charlie's breakdown and work out the lighting
  • Friday - We will perform a full runthrough of our entire piece with lighting

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