Friday 4 March 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 23 - 04/03/16

Today we located a new prop for our piece and we ran through our first interrogation!

We first started by trying to find a CD player of some sort in the props cupboard but we came across a large cassette player instead. We thought this would look a lot more impressive for our interrogation scene as the audience are more likely to see the buttons from a distance than with the CD player.

After finding our prop, we got down to work with our interrogation scene. Compared to our original first interrogation, it was much longer and revealed a lot more about Ben's personality to the audience. We go into depth about the relationship between Kyle, the school bully, Charlie and Ben which in the end links nicely to the next scene, Charlie's first day at school.

Next lesson, we will pick up the pace and try to finish all of our interrogations so we can perhaps set the rest of the lighting.

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