Sunday 13 March 2016

Triple - The Healthy Performer - Research - 13/03/16

Last lesson, I set my target for the end of our 3 week training program: I want to improve my upper body strength and balance in order to perform lifts better. In order to achieve this, I will need to work on my abdominals, pectorals, biceps/triceps, lats and quads. In order to gain muscle in these areas, I need to be aware of which exercises will help me do so. Below is a list of exercises I found online which will aid me in my program:
  • Abdominals - plank, sit-ups/crunches, knee/leg raise, flutter kick, squat, woodchop, Russian twist, mountain climber.
  • Pectorals - bench press, chest press, dumbbell press, chest dip, cable fly.
  • Biceps/triceps - tricep dips, rope tricep pulldowns, overhead dumbbell extensions, bicep curls, reverse cable curls
  • Lats - barbell pullover, chin up, lat pulldown, pulley row
  • Quads - squat, lunge, step up, bear crawl sled drag, backward drag, bench jump
With this newly acquired knowledge on how to tone and build these muscles. I can now effectively train and make a difference to my body. 

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