Monday 21 March 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 19 - 21/03/16

Today in Double, we ran through every scene which we had and devised a new scene to open the production. We also came up with ideas for other scenes too.

The scene we devised was a new opening for the piece as we hadn't actually made one prior. We originally thought of having Brighella start off shouting at Harlequin but we decided to go with a scene between Pantalone and Doctor as they are the restaurant owners. This is how our scene goes:

  • D and P share some social banter between each other and argue over whom is the better manager.
  • P mentions how much of a state the restaurant is in but brushes it off as there critics are due next week. D corrects him and says that they're coming in that night. D and P argue over this until P panics and runs off to the kitchen to sort out the mess.
With this we'd transition into the prawn soup scene. We then continued to run every scene we had and then make a list of what needs to be done:
  • Devise a scene between Zanni, Brighella and Pantalone to be before Taking Orders (Columbina taking Pantalone and Doctors orders) and after Prawn Soup.
  • Create a props list and source the props.
  • Review Lorna's costume list and source costume.

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