Thursday 10 March 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 17 - 10/03/16

Today in Single, we finally finished all of our interrogations and also rerecorded our voice recording for Charlie getting fired.

We began with running through the first interrogation so that it stays fresh in our minds and then moved onto devising the others.

While Charlie and Hope were working on Kourteney's interrogations, I went through each of our scenes and made a checklist of which one's need some work and in what way they needed work. Below is the list:
  • Dating scene - We need to create more still images and decided whether we'd keep in the part where we use the text placards
  • Confession of love - We need to possibly make this scene longer
  • Break up with Ben - We need to runthrough this scene as it involves a lot of movement and we haven't done it in quite a while
  • Charlie's Breakdown - We need to rerecord the audio for when Charlie get's fired as it uses Charlie's old character name, "Hunter Andrews." Also, we need to finalise the movement and link each action to the track; this'll make it easier to remember the movement.
After we had finally completed our interrogations, we got onto rerecording the audio for Charlie's boss for when he gets fired.

Next lesson, we will fully complete Charlie's breakdown and possibly do some work on the dating scene.

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