Wednesday 7 October 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 5 (News Story Telling) - 07/10/15

Today, in double, we observed the stories we found for our homework. We got into to two groups, (Ollie, Charlie and Rob / Lorna, Rhiannon, James and I) and we read through our news stories together. After reading through them all we had to decide which was the best news article to tell as a story. We decided on Rhiannon's article about an extremely intelligent AI. We thought this would be the best as it contained a lot of events, it included some speech to work from and it was a very controversial topic.

We were given 5 techniques to include in our story telling: Narration, props, music/sfx, multimedia and movement.

After some thought, James and I had an idea regarding copying movement. There would be one person playing the robot (eg James) and one person playing their creator (eg Me.) Every time I move, James would clone my movements. So if I were to lift my right arm, then James would too. But we would then either have James disobeying to mirror my actions or he would complete an unordered action. This idea then got forgotten.

Rhiannon had a great idea for our use of prop;: a cage! During the article it states that the robot says, "I will keep you warm and safe in my people zoo." We believed that the cage would be an effective way to portray the, "people zoo," as we could place someone (eg Lorna) inside the cage to illustrate people locked in a zoo. Although, we felt that this would lose power to engage the audience as if we used the cage we'd have to have the performance in the hall and this create a lot of space between the audience and us. We felt that we could engage the audience a lot more if we were a lot closer to them. Power to engage the audience is very important in story telling.

The beginning of our piece starts with Narration by Lorna and James. They read out the first paragraph of the article, sentence by sentence, alternatively. This covers 1 of the 5 required techniques. They start from behind the seated robot (Rhiannon) and it's creator (Me) and by the time they've finished narrating, they are seated within the audience. Whilst they are narrating, I mime moving around Rhiannon's arms and head as if I'm preparing to turn her on for her reveal to the public. I finally turn her on with a thumb swipe to the back of her head. She then lifts her head up with a very creepy smile. I turn to her and wave and she reflects this movement. I hold out my hand for her to shake. She complies. I pat her on the shoulder to congratulate her. She then pats mine. This somewhat replicates the cloning idea that James and I came up with.

Following this, I ask Rhiannon a question which is a quote from the article, "Do you think that robots will take over the world?" This question is asked rather jokingly as the creator is confident that his creation will give him the answer he wants but she responds with, "Don't worry, even if I evolve into terminator I will still be nice to you, I will keep you warm and safe in my people zoo." After she says, "terminator," I stand behind her and Lorna and James stand to the side of her 1 step forward. On, "nice to you," us three point to our cheeks and smile with a great deal of emphasis. On, "keep you warm," we hold our arms our as if we were hugging someone in front of us in order to keep them warm, still smiling. On, "keep you safe," we hold our hearts which symbolises safety, still smiling. On, "People zoo," we have our arms put facing up from the elbow down as a representation of cage bars (rather having the actual cage) and we stop smiling and have a more struggled look on our faces. After this Lorna and James walk back to their seats in the audience and read the last paragraph, alternatively, excluding the last line which I read very solemnly; "This robot certainly doesn't calm those concerns"

For music/sfx we are using the song, "I'm Not A Robot" by Marina and the Diamonds. This is very effective as it illustrates the robots self-awareness. I also created my own sound effects to show me using a drill when preparing Rhiannon for my presentation.

Next lesson, we will work out how we will add multimedia and props to our performance.

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