Wednesday 14 October 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 6 (News Story Telling) - 14/10/15

Today, we continued to add more to our "I'm Not A Robot" storytelling performance. We worked out our lighting so that our piece would portray the modern day technology advancements; we had bright white lights throughout the entire piece.

We added a cannon after Rhiannon's small speech when poised with the question, "Do you think robots will take over the world?" After sh finished, the cannon starts with Lorna. She would repeat Rhiannon's speech from, "I'll be nice to you" up to the end; this involves three lines. When Lorna gets to her second line, I start my first one and when I get to my second one, James starts his first one. This is very effective as it reinforces the lines in the audiences minds. Here is a video of our performance: (

After performing this piece we got into groups (Ollie & Rhiannon / Rob & James / Lorna, Charlie & I) for telling the story of a Greek myth; Our group was given Medusa. Research on this myth will be on a separate blog.

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