Monday 19 October 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 15 - 19/10/15

Today in Triple, we worked a great deal on our transitions between scenes. We also finalised the order of our scenes so that everyone is very clear with this.

This is our order:
1) ill Manors Gorillas
2) Rhiannon and Tom Rioter Interview
3) Lewis and Ash Rioter Interview
4) Animation Turmoil Piece
5) Tom and Dan Police Interview
6) Toby and Lorna Police Interview 
7) "10 More Days" Still Image Piece
8) MP Speeches
9)  ill Manors Gorillas Reprise

This is how we transition from scene to scene:
1-2) Dan and Toby throw chairs/ Lewis and Rhi tip table/ everyone exits/ Tom and Rhi enter/ sit on chairs/ sort table while seated
2-3) Dan takes Rhi off/ Dan, Tom and Rhi go to first positions for scene 4/ Toby leads Ash to chair then he goes to first position for scene 4/ enter Lewis
3-4) Ash and Lewis remove table/ Lorna and Toby take off chairs/ start positions
4-5) Tom on floor/ Lewis and Toby sort table/ Dan and Rhi sort chairs
5-6) Dan and Tom go to first positions for scene 7/ Toby and Lorna enter
6-7) Toby and Lorna sort chairs/ Lewis and Ash sort table/ everyone goes to first position for scene 7
7-8) None needed
8-9) Everyone goes to first position for scene 9

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