Wednesday 7 October 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 11 - 07/10/15

This lesson, we devised a new scene! This was our still image to represent the consequences of rioting.

This scene starts with a blackout. As the lights come up, we enter in on our own or in pairs (Lorna and Rhiannon/Toby/Dan/Ash/Tom and I) and we each portray a consequence of the riots. As the lights repeatedly fade on and off we all move into different still images. After each blackout we progress closer downstage and when once everyone is pretty much downstage, we stand in a line in a pose to portray our characters. After the following blackout, we hold our arms out as if they were in handcuffs. During the next blackout, we would travel upstage and make small changes to our attire and body language to portray MPs. The lights would fade back on and we'd all be standing upstage, ready to start the next scene (The, "MP Speeches" scene.)

Lorna and Rhiannon's characters are mourning as their house has been burnt down and they're now homeless. Toby's character is an alcoholic homeless man. Ash's character feels guilty as he burnt down a building during the riots and he's only just realised the amount of people he may have affected. Dan's character is stressed as his place at a university has now been denied as his involvement in the London Riots has been found out. Tom's character is being arrested by my character.

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