Friday 23 October 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 16 - 23/10/15

Today we began to read the marking criteria for the **Rehearsals** Unit. We spent time reading through the requirements for each part and what we had to do for each grade: Pass, Merit and Distinction. Through this discussion, I've realised that my blog could be improved a great deal as a key difference between a Merit and a Distinction is an explanation. Whereas, I've done a lot of description and there's not much explanation as to why I did the things that I described. I will go back and change these my past blog posts in order to boost my grade!

For the rest of the lesson, we rehearsed the adult scene again but upon getting partway through we tried a new exercise to test our movement. We acted out the first half of the scene as we normally would, then after this we rehearsed it again but removing all dialogue from the scene so we're just left with movement. This was very helpful as we had gotten to terms with how we'd perform the dialogue but we were still confused on how our characters would move and what their movement depended on. After running through the scene twice we learnt what affects out character's movement is their initial status, their status after interaction or an event and their status with the character(s) they are interacting with.

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