Friday 9 October 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 2 - 09/10/15

Today was the day we got casted for our roles in our chosen children's theatre unit performance, Fantastic Mr Fox.

Before we were casted, we were asked to list all the necessary characters in the book and ways we could interact with a child audience. Ways for interaction we came up with featured: Props, asking the audience questions and having a narrator. The best idea by far was having a narrator; this character would have so many opportunities to interact with the audience and talk to them it would be a great way to engage their attention. We thought with props, we could have something like rubber chickens and as Mr Fox is stealing some, he realises he can't carry them all so he has to hand some to the audience members.

After this activity, we were separated into two groups (Lorna, Rhiannon, James & Charlie/Rob, Ollie and I) and we were asked to devise a scene. Lorna's group were asked to devise a scene about when The Three Farmers, start digging into the Fox Family's home and my group were asked to write a scene about the The Three Farmers arguing about what they were to do about Mr Fox stealing their produce.
The first thing we did was conduct a small bit of research on the farmers to broaden our knowledge on our characters. This research will be included on another blog post with further FMF research! After this, I volunteered to take on the challenge of writing a script for this scene. This scene features an argument between Boggis and Bunce followed by the entrance of Bean, the superior farmer.

After presenting our devised piece, our roles had been decided:

Mr. Fox: Charlie
Mrs. Fox: Rhiannon
The Cubs: Lorna & James
Boggis: Rob
Bunce: Lorna
Bean: Lewis (Me)
Rat: Lorna
Badger: Ollie
Rabbit: Lewis (Me)
Weasel: Rob
Mole: James

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