Monday 5 October 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 10 - 05/10/15

Today, in Triple, we continued with our Emotional Turmoil scene. We devised Toby's section and now we have a nearly complete full scene breakdown:

-Lorna, Tom, Toby and I walk on and do a very short dance.
-We all walk off and Tom walks back on and sits down. 
-Ash Enters and conflicts with Tom shown by contact improv. 
-Rhiannon enters and manipulates Tom as her gender gives her dominance.
-I enter and help Tom up and perform a sequence of fist bumps.
-Dan enters and initiates Tom amongst the rioters then betrays him. 
-Lorna enters and dances with Tom as an aspect of hope.
-Toby enters and fights and torments Tom.
-As Tom starts to gain control again, Ash and I enter and hold him back as Toby repeatedly assaults him. 
-Tom goes down on his side with his back facing the audience, then Toby, Ash and I continuously kick him. 

This is all we have for this scene so far.

Today the main things we worked on were making sure everyone knew the steps for the initial ballet section and that everyone knew their individual parts of interaction with Tom. The main part I struggled with was the jumping spin at the end of the ballets section. Most of the time my actions leading up to the jump were far too rigid and my jump was too fast and too low. The main reason for this was because I was too focused on spinning the full 360° rather than spinning some of the way and as I land, I'd turn the rest of the way on my feet instead of in the air. With multiple practises, I've improved but further improvement is needed.

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