Friday 9 October 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 9 & 10 - 08/10/15 & 09/10/15


This lesson, we ran through the rest of Act 1 Scene 1 which we didn't get through last lesson. We decided that instead of having people performing in all areas of the stage, we decided that we'd have a single spotlight brighter than all of the other lights so that who ever is the centre of attention at the time, they'd be standing centre stage with the light beaming on them. For example, when Ass wants to play the, "The Question of Sport Game" with Herod, they would be centre stage.


This lesson we worked on the rest of Act 1 as Act 1 Scene 1 was sorted and it the rest of the act was relatively small. We also changed the blocking as well. Last lesson we thought the one single light for every to act in was very crowded and it looked rather odd two characters having to move to a light just to have a conversation so we decided to add in two more lights at Downstage Left and Downstage Right as well as the already existent Downstage Centre light. This meant whenever there was something going on in one light, whoever was involved with what came next can get ready quicker and not have to cram into the same light. For example, whilst Mary queries Narrator on whether he has learnt his lines, Star can be getting ready to run into another light with a spaceship and say his line (Voyager 10! This is NASA to Voyager 10!)

We also thought that the home corner (Innkeeper's Area) should have it's own light as a lot of interaction happens here, especially between Star and Innkeeper.

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