Thursday 15 October 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 13 & 14 - 14/10/15 & 15/10/15

Today we decided to spend the lesson recapping on the ill Manors Gorillas Opening Scene! We decided to do this as last lesson we were very confused on what we had done to it as it had been a long time since we last ran through it. We spent the lesson remembering, editing and running this scene. For homework, I merged together the song ill Manors and a siren sound effect which was our cue to leave; I did this using Audacity.

Today we ran through every scene which we had devised and finalised. We spent a lot of time thinking about the orders of the scenes and the transitions between them.

On the Emotional Turmoil scene, Toby was still having trouble learning the jump-spin which I had trouble with before. Lorna and I took a bit of time explaining how he could make his angle of rotation bigger and how to recover if he couldn't make the full 360 degrees and still make it look good.

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