Friday 2 October 2015

Double - Refugee Devised - Blog 7 - 02/10/15

Today, we finalised everything needed to finish for our devised refugee performance!

Firstly, we worked out how we were going to lift Rhiannon out from behind the curtain. We decided that having the black clothe lifted over The Three Amigos to give Rhiannon a chance to escape wouldn't work well and that it would be much simpler if us three were to all fall over and between us falling and getting up, Rhiannon steps behind the curtains to hide. After this, Ollie, James and I would look up I'm confusement and dramatically look for her. As James would turn around, Ollie and I would kneel down in front of the curtain, lift Rhiannon up by her knees with her arms grabbing our shoulders across our necks. As James faces us again, he falls over in fear and we then get back into our original line. 

We also worked out Charlie's lift too! After he finishes his monologue he says, "That's it! I'm finished!" the rest of us (standing, facing the back wall with our heads down) say, "So you think you're finished?" In response to this, Charlie shouts, "Yes! I'm finished!" We then turn over our right shoulder and say, "Okay then," then step behind him ready for the lift and say, "You're finished." He then falls ready for us to catch him and lift him. We place him down facing the audience horizontally and we all go off in separate directions and sit on our own looking depressed and hurt. James will walk in with the ringleader's stick to symbolise he was the one who killed Charlie. He then says, "Thanks for watching ladies and gentlemen! We'll be here next week!" Afterwards everyone says a fact to do with child trafficking. After each fact, James says, "and the next week..." to show that child trafficking will never end.

The next lesson we performed the piece but due to technical difficulties, there is no existent video of it.

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