Wednesday 21 October 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 7 (Greek Mythology) - 21/10/15

Today in Double, we started to devise how we would tell the Greek myth of Perseus and Medusa. In our group (Charlie, Lorna & I) looked at the research I had collected independently to see how many characters there were and who would be each character. We decided Charlie would be Perseus, Lorna would be Medusa, Perseus' mother, and the Greek goddess of wisdom and beauty, Athena and I would be Polydectes, the king.

After assigning parts, we made a quick outline of how the story went:

  • The King steals Perseus' Mother
  • Perseus has to kill Medusa
  • Perseus receives gifts from Athena (Invisibility Helmet, Winged Sandals, Reflective Bronce Shield
  • He kills Medusa
  • Perseus turns the king to stone using Medusa's head
  • He gives the head to Athena

We also collected ideas on how we would tell this story. Ideas we had were:

  • Perform the narrative
  • Projection
  • Still Images
  • Monologues and Duologues
We were, first, very hooked on the idea of monologues and duologues and we started planning out what our monologues would be describing but we decided that we would try something different. We decided that we would use still images, film them, then project them and narrate over the top of them. We then thought of an idea about using multiple still images to create a stop motion video. We would then narrate over the top of the videos. So far we've only got up to when Perseus receives his gifts so we will continue and perform this next lesson.

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