Monday 29 February 2016

Triple - Historical Context - Blog 16 (Restoration) - 29/02/16

This lesson, we began and completed our restoration theatre performance.

Dan handed everyone a script which contained an extract from, "The Man of Mode or Sir Fopling Flutter," written by George Etherege. This extract featured the characters Young Bellair, Dorimant, Harriet, Lady Woodvil and Busy. I was given the role of Lady Woodvill and the background I was given on her is that she is very high classed and has a rather high pitched voice;  she's also very melodramatic and over reactive.

We began by reading through the script to learn what the scene was about and clear up any issues with our voice. After this we got up and performed it a couple of times to correct any problems.

After this we finally recorded our scene:

Notes to improve:

  • My movement was okay but if I made it more feminine it would give away my character's gender better
  • My entrance should be a bit later as I stand there awkwardly for a moment until my line

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