Wednesday 10 February 2016

Triple - Historical Context - Blog 13 (Greek) - 10/02/16

This lesson, we finally recorded my Greek Theatre piece after another runthrough.

We began by listening to the audio track I brought in which was edited at the right times. I did this by using audacity to fade the track in and out for when we had chorus lines to speak. This was a lot smoother than having the track paused and played. We also spent a great deal of time learning the chorus lines. I felt that the performance would be less effective if Dan, Toby and I were holding scripts so I ensured we learnt them.

After learning the chorus lines, we rehearsed the scene a couple of times then finally filmed it:
Notes to improve:

  • I need to be wary of those around me as I walked into Tom during the performance.
  • My stab and barge sequence wasn't as sharp as I wanted it to be.
  • The music needs to be better timed with the chorus lines.
  • Our movements need to be more in time especially the chorus looking towards and away from the audience.

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