Monday 8 February 2016

Triple - Historical Context - Blog 12 (Greek) - 08/02/16

Now that we have completed our masks, we started rehearsing the scene wearing the to get used to having our peripheral vision restricted. I also made some changes to how the chorus lines will be spoken.

Firstly, I altered who was actually going to be saying the chorus lines. Originally it was going to be the whole cast but I've made relevant changes based on how things would've been done in original Greek theatre. Tom and Ash (Odysseus and Cyclops) are no longer speaking the chorus lines as they are the main roles. The main roles within Greek theatre weren't also part of the chorus so it would be silly having the mains speak the chorus lines. Additionally, I've excluded Lorna from the chorus lines. This is because although she's part of the chorus as well, as a woman in Greek theatre, she would typically have a lesser role in everything. So to distinguish her being a female amongst the all-male chorus, I've removed her. Now the only one's speaking the chorus lines are Dan, Toby and I. This not only correlates with my research but it also makes speaking the chorus lines easier as there aren't as many people trying to sync up with each other.

Next lesson, we will film the performance and finally move on to a different type of theatre.

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