Monday 22 February 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 13 - 22/02/16

Today in Double, we watched Rhiannon and James perform they're scene they devised last lesson! It was hilarious and it effectively presented the relationship between their characters (Columbina and Zanni). This is the outline of how they're scene went:

  • Columbina is hanging out some laundry to be dried, Zanni enters and she gestures suggestively towards him. Zanni notices this and tries to style his hair using extra strong glue.
  • Zanni squeezes the bottle into his hair and runs his hands through it. He tries to removes his hands but they're now stuck in his hair. He shouts and panics gaining the attention of Columbina.
  • She turns and Zanni acts as if he is flexing his muscles. Columbina turns to continue her chores and Zanni rolls around on the floor in an attempt to remove his hands from his head.
  • Columbina turns again and Zanni starts to do sit-ups and counts each rep in a mixed up order ("64, 65, 92, 7, 101" etc).
  • Columbina turns away and finds the bottle of glue, reads to the label and says, "just my type," suggestively.
  • She turns back to Zanni and says he looks different today, to which Zanni denies. She asks whether he had used the glue and he reluctantly admits his mistake.
  • Columbina grabs Zanni's hands and releases them from the surface of his head one by one, followed by a yelp of pain from Zanni.
  • Columbina ruffles Zanni's hair and says goodbye but as she goes to walk off she learns that her hands are now stuck in Zanni's hair.
With this scene, the rest of us gave the following feedback:
  • James needs to move more as Zanni as he rarely ever stays still.
  • Rhiannon needs nail down on how suggestive she's being as it's typical of her character.
  • James needs to be more fluent when it comes to switching from trying to get his hands out of his hair and trying to impress Columbina; he should switch while she turns not after she turns.
  • James needs to keep facing the audience more and making sure his mask is seen as the masks are a key part of Commedia Dell'arte.
After a second runthrough where the pair had rectified their errors, we decided to add in another character. We felt that Doctor would be a funny character to add as he would ramble on about how he knows everything whilst the other two are wanting to be rescued.

This is the extension to the scene we created:
  • Doctor enters and asks what's the matter and Columbina explains and asks for help.
  • Doctor nullifies her pleads for help and begins to ramble on about his knowledge ("Ah yes! You see this glue must contain a very strong proportion of Lictotin which..." etc).
  • He continues until Columbina shouts over him loud enough and asks to be helped. The Doctor must mention about the proper technique on how to pull before he grabs her out of Zanni's hair.
  • Doctors pats Columbina on the shoulder and bids her farewell; as he goes to leave, he realises his hand is stuck to her shoulder.
  • The pair try and pull each other apart whilst Zanni goes to hug Columbina's leg. Zanni successfully hugs Columbina leaving them all connected by glue.
After adding Doctor we wanted to add another character into the mess! We thought it would be effective to add Captain as it would open up plenty of options for us to play with.

This is the extension to the scene we created:
  • Captain gallops onstage with his horse, steps off the horse and asks what's happening. Doctor asks Captain to wait until they're finished.
  • The sticky trio freeze and look at the audience. It looks to Captain as if Doctor and Zanni are sexually attacking Columbina.
  • Captain commands Doctor to unhand her and draws out his sword. The pair duel with Captain whimpering after every strike.
We were unsure at first on how we would have this scene end but we had two alternate endings:
  1. Harlequin enters and taps Captain on the should which leads to Captain jumping, in cowardice, into Doctors arms, thus being stuck to him. Doctor and Columbina beg Harlequin for help but, after a mocking ponder, Harlequin leaves.
  2. Captain goes to stab Doctor but Doctor dodges, causing Captain to fall over bringing the other three down with him resulting in a big sticky mess of 4 people.
Next lesson we will share with each other our ideas for other scenes and try to combine them into our main focus for our piece.

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